Student Sunipa Pramanik Receives Honorable Mention at Graduate Student Research Symposium

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GSRS awardees

Sunipa Pramanik, at center among the other awardees (photo by Eileen Harvala)

The University of Minnesota Department of Chemistry held their annual Graduate Student Research Symposium yesterday, where third-year doctoral students presented 20-minute talks about their research to an audience of peers, faculty, alumni, and guests. Panels of judges including faculty and distinguished guests granted one first place and one honorable mention for each of the four presentation tracks. CSN student Sunipa Pramanik (Haynes lab) received the honorable mention award for her track. Congratulations, Sunipa! You can read more about the symposium here.


Joe & Sunipa

Joe Buchman and Sunipa Pramanik, both doctoral students in Christy Haynes’ lab at the U of MN, with the title slide from Joe’s presentation. (photo by Victoria Szlag)