
CSN Publication: First-Principles and Thermodynamics Study of Compositionally Tuned Complex Metal Oxides: Cation Release from the (001) Surface of Mn-Rich Lithium Nickel Manganese Cobalt Oxide

Joe Bennett’s manuscript, entitled “First-Principles and Thermodynamics Study of Compositionally Tuned Complex Metal Oxides: Cation Release from the (001) Surface of Mn-Rich Lithium Nickel Manganese Cobalt Oxide,” has been published in Inorganic Chemistry. Read the manuscript online here. Joseph W. Bennett, Diamond T. Jones, Robert J. Hamers and Sara E. Mason, Inorganic Chemistry, 2018, 57 (21), 13300-13311.

CSN Publication: Linking nanomaterial properties to biological outcomes: Analytical chemistry challenges in nanotoxicology for the next decade

Autumn Qiu’s manuscript, entitled “Linking nanomaterial properties to biological outcomes: analytical chemistry challenges in nanotoxicology for the next decade,” has been published in Chemical Communications. Read the manuscript online here. Tian Autumn Qiu, Peter Clement and Christy Haynes, Chemical Communications, 2018, 54 12787-12803.

CSN Publication: Copper Based Nanomaterials Suppress Root Fungal Disease in Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus): Role of Particle Morphology, Composition and Dissolution Behavior,

Jaya Borgatta’s manuscript, entitled “Copper Based Nanomaterials Suppress Root Fungal Disease in Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus): Role of Particle Morphology, Composition and Dissolution Behavior,” has been published in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. Read the manuscript online here. Jaya Borgatta, Chuanxin Ma, Natalie Hudson-Smith, Wade Elmer, Cristian David Plaza Pérez, Roberto De La Torre-Roche, Nubia Zuverza-Mena, Christy L. Haynes, Jason C. White and Robert J. Hamers, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2018, 6 (11), 14847-14856.

Grad Students Izzy Foreman-Ortiz & Diamond Jones Receive NOBCChE Awards

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Two CSN graduate students recently received awards at the annual conference of the National Organization for the professional advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE). UW-Madison student Izzy Foreman-Ortiz won a NOBCChE poster award, which provides $500 and support to attend Pittcon in 2019, for her poster, “Anionic Nanoparticles disrupt Gramicidin A (gA) Activity in Model Phospholipid Bilayers.” University of Iowa student Diamond Jones received an Advancing Science Conference Grant to attend the conference and present her talk, “Modeling the Dissolution of Compositionally-Tuned Complex Metal oxides from First Principles.”

CSN Publication: Peripheral Membrane Proteins Facilitate Nanoparticle Binding at Lipid Bilayer Interfaces

Eric Melby and Caley Allen published a manuscript entitled “Peripheral Membrane Proteins Facilitate Nanoparticle Binding at Lipid Bilayer Interfaces” in Langmuir. Read the manuscript online here. Eric S. Melby*, Caley Allen*, Isabel Foreman-Ortiz, Emily Caudill, Thomas R. Kuech, Ariane M. Vartanian, Xi Zhang, Catherine J. Murphy, Rigoberto Hernandez and Joel A. Pedersen, Langmuir, 2018, 34 (36), 10793-10805. *Authors contributed equally

CSN Publication: Adverse Interactions of Luminescent Semiconductor Quantum Dots with Liposomes and Shewanella oneidensis

Denise N. Williams’s manuscript, entitled “Adverse Interactions of Luminescent Semiconductor Quantum Dots with Liposomes and Shewanella oneidensis,” has been published in ACS Applied Nano Materials. Read the manuscript online here. Denise N. Williams, Sunipa Pramanik, Richard P. Brown, Bo Zhi, Eileen McIntire, Natalie V. Hudson-Smith, Christy L. Haynes and Zeev Rosenzweig, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2018, 1 (9), 4788-4800.

Professor Cathy Murphy of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign was recognized in the recent “Women in Nanotechnology” virtual issue of the journal ACS Nano

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Professor Cathy Murphy of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign was recognized in the recent “Women in Nanotechnology” virtual issue of the journal ACS Nano. The description of the issue says, “Growing numbers of exciting nanoscience and nanotechnology projects led by women scientists are increasing our knowledge of fundamental physical, chemical, and biological properties of materials and applying these advances across science, engineering, and medicine. In this virtual issue, ACS Nano highlights the work of research groups led by women investigators worldwide in a celebration of their contributions to excellent science.” See the full virtual issue here.

CSN Publication: Impact of Phosphate Adsorption on Complex Cobalt Oxide Nanoparticle Dispersibility in Aqueous Media

Liz Laudadio’s manuscript, entitled “Impact of Phosphate Adsorption on Complex Cobalt Oxide Nanoparticle Dispersibility in Aqueous Media,” has been published in Environmental Science & Technology. Read the manuscript online here. Elizabeth D. Laudadio, Joseph Bennett, Curtis Green, Sara E. Mason and Robert J. Hamers, Environmental Science & Technology, 2018, 52 (17), 10186-10195.