Dr. Julianne Troiano Awarded a Beckmann Postdoctoral Fellowship
Congratulations to former Geiger group member Dr. Julianne Troiano, who was awarded a Beckmann Postdoctoral Fellowship to work in the lab of Gabriela Schlau-Cohen at MIT!
Congratulations to former Geiger group member Dr. Julianne Troiano, who was awarded a Beckmann Postdoctoral Fellowship to work in the lab of Gabriela Schlau-Cohen at MIT!
Two recent Sustainable Nano blog posts have been recognized as ScienceSeeker Editor’s Selections. First, graduate student Margy Robinson’s post, How Do Skis Ski, and How Do Nanomaterials Make Skiing More Fun? was listed for the week of February 20-26. Next, Professor Christy Haynes’ post in honor of International Women’s Day, What is the “Matilda Effect,” and How Can We Improve Recognition of Women Scientists? was chosen for the week of March 6-12. Congratulations to Margy and Christy!
CSN faculty member Cathy Murphy, a Professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, has been named a 2017 Fellow of the Materials Research Society (MRS). Dr. Murphy was chosen “For pioneering work on the synthesis of plasmonic metal nanostructures and investigation of their effects on biological systems.” Congratulations, Cathy!
CSN graduate student Donald White (Curry group) won 1st Place in the Nanoscience Oral Presentation Session at the Emerging Research National Conference on STEM hosted in Washington, DC. The title of his presentation was “A Facile Method for the Suspension of Nanocellulose.” Congratulations, Donald!
Congratulations to two CSN graduate students on recent awards. First, Alicia McGeachy (Geiger group), won the 2017 Northwestern University Graduate School Student Diversity Award. Second, Tian “Autumn” Qiu (Haynes group) won a Mary Haga Travel Award from the Xi Chapter of Graduate Women in Science to support her travel to the 253rd ACS National meeting in San Francisco, where she presented a talk entitled “Growth-based Bacterial Viability (GBV) assay for interference-free and high-throughput nanotoxicity screening.”
CSN faculty member Rigoberto Hernandez has won the 2017 Herty Medal, awarded by the Georgia Section of the American Chemical Society. Dr. Hernandez was honored “for transforming our view of chemical dynamics in non-equilibrium environments, his creative approaches to improving diversity within the chemistry profession, and his leadership at the local and national levels of the American Chemical Society.” Congratulations, Rigoberto!
Student Jo Machesky, who participated in the CSN’s Research Experience for Undergraduates program last summer, has received a Conference Travel Grant from Northwestern University to attend the American Chemical Society meeting in San Francisco this April. The title of Jo’s presentation is “Alteration of Membrane Compositional Asymmetry by LiCoO2 Nanosheets.” Congratulations, Jo!
Graduate student Liz Laudadio’s Valentine’s Day blog post, “What Does Nanotechnology Have to Do with Chocolate?” was recognized as a ScienceSeeker Editor’s Pick for Feb 6-12. Congratulations, Liz!
CSN faculty member Howard Fairbrother has been named as the new chair of the ACS Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry. As their website says, the Colloid and Surface Chemistry division has “one of the most active Divisions in the American Chemical Society with approximately 2500 members throughout the world.” Congratulations, Howard!
Donald White, a CSN student in Dr. Mike Curry‘s group at Tuskegee University, has been selected for a travel award to present at the 2017 Emerging Researchers National (ERN) Conference in STEM. He will present his work entitled “Facile Method of Dispersing CNF’s via VS-I within a Polymer Matrix” at the March 2017 meeting in Washington, DC. Congratulations, Donald!